Seto – Akazu 2: Rokube and Keto of Hasemoto Kilns

Oribe ceramic wares from Hasemoto Kiln: Rokubē and Hasemoto Kiln: Kētō

Hasemoto kilns produce Akazu-yaki ceramics. Akazu is a traditional ceramic production area in Seto in Aichi prefecture.

Seto is known for its long history of ceramic production. Archeologically it is known that primitive production existed from 5C, but it flourished with tea ceremony tools in 16C. Before that, Seto kilns mainly produced everyday ware to subside Chinese ceramics. But with prosperity of tea ware, the glaze which Seto kilns used varied: Oribe, Kizeto, Setoguro, Shino. And Hasemoto kilns originated in Oribe ceramics.

The two kilns share their root, the ceramic métier has been succeeded from their ancestors. Therefore, as traditional kilns of Akazu, their main products are Oribe. The deep green glaze with glass-like transparency dripped on the white base with playful drawing. With many study on the ceramics, yet some of the drawn icons are mystery. We don’t know the meaning or what it represents. Isn’t it intriguing? 

Rokube YashichidaOribe 1
Oribe sake ware with a fan and a fruit. We don’t know what fruit it is!

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